Lahore: Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Mian Saqib Nisar has banned the sale of Chinese salt Ajinomoto. The chief justice said they can’t allow the sale of the salt, as it is hazardous for health.
Earlier on January 15, the Punjab Food Authority (PFA) had banned Ajinomoto, when the authority found it is hazardous for health.
Punjab Food Authority (PFA) exclaims that this salt contains Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), which can be the cause of asthma, headaches, and even brain damage.
According to some other reports, peoples who make regular use of this ingredient regularly can be diagnosed with long-term issues like high blood pressure, autism, hormonal imbalance, epilepsy, food allergies, asthma, reduction in bile formation, cancer, and possible sterility in females.
It has been said that on Feb 21, the governments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh also banned the sale of Ajinomoto.